Emergencies are generally rare occurrences, but when dental emergencies happen, you need dental help quickly. A dental emergency could happen at any time, and at Cochran Family Dental in Leesburg, Virginia, we are always available to provide immediate dental assistance. We care for all our patients and want to ensure that their oral health is always preserved.
A dental emergency in Leesburg, Virginia can include a knocked-out tooth, broken teeth (whether regular teeth or crowns or teeth with large fillings), severe tooth pain, or lost dental work (fillings or crowns fall out). Whatever the dental emergency, Dr. Cochran and his professional dental staff are equipped to provide emergency dentistry services to those needing their expertise. Our emergency dentist aims to make our patients as comfortable as possible while restoring their oral health as quickly as possible.
Our emergency dentist will provide a full dental examination to determine the problem and to strategize how to fix it best. For broken teeth, we may need to perform root canals or crowns. For tooth pain, an infection may be going on that requires root canal therapy as well to remove the bacteria. Lost fillings or crowns will require restorative dentistry procedures too.
Your insurance company should cover emergency dental visits. To learn more about what we can do for you as your emergency dentist in Leesburg, Virginia, call Cochran Family Dental to schedule an appointment 24/7 at 703-771-9034.