
Dental Emergencies Demand Immediate Care

One of your kids loses a tooth during a Saturday soccer match.  You bite down on a piece of hard candy, only to have a back molar split in two.  That dull ache on the left side of your jaw from a decaying or an abscessed tooth that suddenly explodes in waves of pain across your jaw. It is impossible to say how... READ MORE

The Right Dentist is Only a Few Smiles Away in Leesburg, Virginia

Several smiles throughout the day is a great and simple way to boost up any lifestyle, so make sure you are doing your part to ensure you maintain a healthy set of bright whites! That’s right, there are proven health benefits to smiling whenever you can, so why not do your part to boost your self-esteem and have a great smile to flash... READ MORE

Invisalign – Just What the Dentist Ordered – Invisalign Dentist near Leesburg

Have you been feeling insecure at parties or during work meetings because your teeth are not lined up in a perfect row? You are not alone! Not only is it perfectly common that your teeth grew out of line, it is more prevalent in that type of condition to affect the self-esteem of the individual directly. We all worry to some extent about... READ MORE

Posted in Family Dentistry

Looking for a Family Dentist in Leesburg? – Family Dentistry near Ashburn and Purcellville

Children have a funny way of thinking that the dentist is someone to be afraid of before even going to their first visit and that fear sometimes even carries through into adulthood. Maybe it is because teeth are the source area of many aches and pains. Or maybe keeping the mouth open for extended amounts of time is a little daunting. Let’s not... READ MORE

Dental Veneers: A Bright Cosmetic Dentistry Option in Leesburg, VA

Hockey fights, hard candies, miscalculated door openings, and jumping dogs all have what in common? They can cause a tooth to chip. Hey, it happens. What’s your story? No matter how the story plays out, we all have to face the fact that our face is somewhat different than you are used to. You may have gotten used to seeing all of your... READ MORE

Step-by-Step: Dental Implant Procedures – Dental Implants Leesburg, VA

Losing an adult tooth in can be a traumatic occurrence. For various reasons, people might encounter an unfortunate event that leads to the loss of one or many teeth. Aside from the pain that may result from that event, or the ensuing pain that may follow caused by gum or bone deterioration, the person has to look themselves in the mirror and see... READ MORE

Taking the Next Step with Cosmetic Dentistry – Cosmetic Veneers, Teeth Whitening near Purcellville

First impressions can make all the difference, and nothing welcomes the presence of another individual quite like spreading your lips thin on a big, sparkling smile. For example, have you ever walked into an unfamiliar place, only to be greeted with a frown from the first person who notices you? It’s not all that great a feeling! Now, imagine walking into the same... READ MORE

Captivate Audiences in Virginia Once Again

Hello Leesburg! Remember when being a toothless five-year-old captivated friends and family? When a lisp was considered precious and endearing? Doesn’t really work for adults in the Ashburn area. Toothless smiles are embarrassing and lisps can make you self-conscious. But your days of capturing delighted looks and commanding a conversation may not be gone forever - even if you have missing teeth. Don’t... READ MORE

Posted in Teeth Whitening

Whiter Teeth For Leesburg Smiles – Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has become very popular in Leesburg, Virginia as an easy way to change your smile with little effort and no pain. Cochran Family Dental can help you understand your options for teeth whitening and the results you may expect from various teeth whitening options. Over the counter whitening systems can give varied results, with many users feeling unhappy or dissatisfied with... READ MORE

Have You Thanked Your Dental Assistant Lately, Reston? – Dental Office near Purcellville

Your Ashburn, Purcellville, or Martinsburg dental practice would be a very different place if it weren't for the competent dental assistants who work there. Today in the Leesburg, Virginia dental blog we would like to highlight the importance of these hard workers who are often taken for granted. Reston dental assistants make your dental appointment much more effective, efficient, and safe. You, the... READ MORE

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    Cochran Family Dental

    Dr. Cochran

    At Cochran Family Dental we strive to offer the best quality treatment and service possible to the great people of Loudoun and the surrounding area.

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