
How You and Your Family Can Benefit from Modern Dentistry

Dentistry has come a long, long way since past times when there was the stereotype of squeaky, uncomfortable chairs and noisy, scary drills. The techniques of modern dentistry are designed with the patient's comfort and healing in mind, and often include state of the art technologies that help ease pain during the dental procedures. Both treatment and diagnostic equipment have advanced to the... READ MORE

How Root Canals Work

In line with saving teeth, root canal therapy is a way to save infected teeth that would have to be extracted. Our root canal therapy procedure helps patients who are in pain and suffering to bring them almost immediate relief and helps to save the patient’s teeth in the process. Generally speaking, each one of the teeth has a pulp chamber. This chamber... READ MORE

About Snore Guards

Many people suffer from sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders that cause them to produce loud guttural and nasal sounds, often waking their partner and preventing restful sleep for everyone involved. However, with the help of a dentist, a snore guard can be made to eliminate or reduce the incidences of snoring for your own peaceful sleep and that of your loved one.... READ MORE

Understanding Dental Extractions

It’s the goal of a dentist to do everything possible in order to save a tooth. However, when dental extractions are needed, the dentist will have the experience and skills to remove teeth safely. The dentist can also can offer restorative dentistry options to replace the tooth if it is necessary to retain the smile for a patient. A tooth infection and/or decay... READ MORE

All About Dentures

Losing your teeth can be a stressful experience for anyone, it means the dramatic change of your smile, and it may affect your self-confidence going forward. Restoring your teeth with traditional and/or implant-supported dentures is one solution to tooth loss. A professional dentist can give their patients a new smile with the help of dentures. These dentures allow these patients to eat, smile... READ MORE

Hire a Professional Dentist for Oral Health Services

When you need dental care, you’re looking to find a dentist office that gives you the care you need in a comfortable and modern setting within a professional dental office. Many people feel a considerable amount of anxiety when it comes to visiting the dentist. These feelings may stem from childhood and have just been carried over into their idea of what going... READ MORE

How Finding the Best Dentist Can Make Your Life Easier

You and your teeth are hopefully going to be together for the duration of your entire life. Since you need your teeth to give your body nutrition and to give you a confident appearance, you’ll always benefit by giving them the best of care and attention.  That’s why it makes sense to find the best dentist in your area who is someone you... READ MORE

Posted in Family Dentistry

Everyone Needs a Family Dentist

The everyday maintenance of healthy teeth and gums are an essential part of anyone’s general health and keeping the mouth healthy throughout life will enhance the quality of life in many ways. To do this, everyone needs help from the assistance of a good family dentist. With today’s rushed lifestyle, acidic diet, and caffeinated beverage intake, it’s easy for the teeth to decay... READ MORE

Enjoy Modern Composite Dental Fillings

In today’s world, people are becoming more and more conscious of the various hazards of materials that they put in their bodies, from food to surgical implants to dental fillings. Because of this, the market is responding by creating fewer toxic choices so that people can prevent the development of chronic disease because of hazardous materials and lead healthier lives. But this is... READ MORE

What is Invisalign?

Suffice it to say that everyone wants straight teeth, but the thought of braces can be stressful for many. Having wires and metal on the teeth can make people feel less than secure and may bring up memories from when they saw other people with braces in high school years. However, with the help of Invisalign, clear braces can be worn without anyone... READ MORE

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    Cochran Family Dental

    Dr. Cochran

    At Cochran Family Dental we strive to offer the best quality treatment and service possible to the great people of Loudoun and the surrounding area.

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